“Jewish Jesus Research and Questions of Christology”. Rome.

Pontificia Università Gregoriana

The panel Discussion presented by The Encyclopedia of Jewish-Christian project (EJCR) & Enoch Seminar International Scholarship on Second Temple Judaism.

The event will bring together 
Prof. Daniel Boyarin, University of California, Berkeley, Prof. Walter Homolka,University of Potsdam, Prof. Amy-Jill Levine, Vanderbilt University, Prof. Adele Reinhartz, University of Ottawaand Prof. Etienne Vetö, Pontifical Gregorian University. Prof. Gabriele Boccaccini, University of Michigan will chair the discussion and Prof. Peter Dubovsky, Pontifical Biblical Institute will give a welcome address.

This evening panel will be held 

Wednesday, 20 June, 2018 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm 

at the 

Pontifical Biblical Institute in Piazza della Pilotta, 35 .

 Lectures will be in English language. The panel is free and open to the public.

Invitation: Panel- 20 June 2018-Rome

International Council of Christians and Jews. Budapeszt 24-27.06.2018

„Towards Reconciliation in a Broken World:
Jewish and Christian Contributions to Responsible Citizenship”

Konferencja, Budapeszt 2018

The 2018 annual conference of the International Council of Christians and Jews (ICCJ), to be held in Budapest and Kecskemet, Hungary, seeks to explore the Jewish and Christian contributions to this process in wider perspectives.

In particular, the conference will address the following questions, among others:
 How is reconciliation, as a major concept in both Judaism and Christianity, linked to justice?
 What implications does the idea of reconciliation have for interfaith relations?
 How can the “victim-mentality” be left behind to pursue a path of responsible citizenship?
 How does one find God in one’s enemy?
 What can we as people of faith do to work towards mutual understanding,
reconciliation, and peace in our specific contexts, often tainted by national,
religious, ethnic, and social conflicts? How do we work together with people of
other faiths or of no faith?

Więcej informacji oraz program: www.iccj.org

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