Stowarzyszenie Świeckich

Przyjaciele Matki Bożej z Syjonu, są to osoby poszukujące duchowości biblijnej. Posiadają głębokie pragnienie sprawiedliwości, pojednania i pokoju.

Osoby należące do grona Przyjaciół Syjonu biorą czyny udział w formacji Syjonu poprzez uczestnictwo w grupach biblijnych, dniach refleksji, rekolekcjach, wykładach o tematyce biblijnej, dialogu żydowsko-chrześcijańskiego, judaizmu.

Włączają się oni również, w rozmaity sposób, w prace sióstr i braci Syjonu.

Przyjaciele Syjonu starają się żyć charyzmatem Wspólnoty Matki Bożej z Syjonu, będąc jednocześnie w pełni zaangażowani w swoich własnych środowiskach rodzinnych i zawodowych.

Ich wspólne spotkania odbywają się w zależności od krajów z różną częstotliwością.

W Polsce jest planowane utworzenie grupy Przyjaciół Syjonu.

Volunteering Story—by Mary McSweeney

Dynamic Movement of the Spirit | Canada/USA

Our work was good and meaningful—from reception to gardening to kitchen—enabling a closer relationship with God, self, one another, and guests. There was time for both personal and community prayer. We had a wealth of spiritual aids and the support we needed. During our breaks we visited much of the Holy Land, from Bethlehem to Masada and more. Of course, the holy sites, wonderful people, and culture of Old City Jerusalem were always right outside of our door—this is a great experience!

Mary McSweeney volunteered at Ecce Homo with the Sisters of Sion in Old City, Jerusalem

The opportunity was a blessing and joy. We were a small group of volunteers—diverse in age, nationality, and background—who bonded in our desire to work hard for the Sisters, community, and pilgrims through Christ! It was wonderful to know and spend time with everyone in the Ecce Homo community. They serve so many pilgrims from around the world and we heard many grateful things!


For more information on volunteer opportunities contact

Sister Rita Kammermayer NDS:

Sion na świecie

Dom Generalny NDS, Rzym:



Basen Morza Śródziemnego:





Siostry kontemplacyjne, „Pustelnia”/”La Solitude”:

siostry formacja

Więcej o naszych miejscach:

  • Oglądnij film o jednym z miejsc gdzie żyje wspólnota sióstr NDS jest nim Ein Karem, dzisiejsza dzielnica Jerozolimy. Kiedyś była to mało znana, mała wioska, gdzie spotkały się dwie kuzynki: Maryja i Elżbieta.

For The Love of Ein Karem

For the love of Ein Kerem, the film describes the enchanted biblical village of Ein Karem, the beauty of the nature, the people and the archeological findings. Ein Karem is a holy place for Christians worldwide. The film shows the danger of many building projects that are about to take place, and destroy this unique treasure…

  • Film o  Bazylice sióstr Matki Bożej z Syjonu na  starym mieście w Jerozolimie. Bazylika Ecce Homo

Ecce Homo Arch & Notre Dame de Sion Convent – Via Dolorosa

Centrum Formacji Biblijnej Notre Dame de Sion, przy bazylice ECCE HOMO w Jerozolimie


Centre of Biblical Formation (CBF)

Facebook: Centre of Biblical Formation

This program enables the participants to explore in a new and deeper way the critical and familiar question: ” But you… who do you say that I am?”
(Mt 16,15)
Jérusalem à l'aube, depuis l'Ecce Homo

Jerozolima o wschodzie słońca widziana z tarasów domu Sióstr Matki Bożej z Syjonu i Bazyliki Ecce Homo.

Emphasis is placed on:
– a study of the Bible through the text and excursions to explore the Land;
– a deeper understanding of Jesus and his heritage;
– Christian roots as found in Jewish traditions which shaped the religious experience of Jesus, and later, the church.

This program is sponsored by the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion. Formal courses by highly qualified lecturers, co-ordinated field trips to major Biblical sites throughout the Land, time for reflection, prayer and sharing are all geared to help participants integrate their experience of the Word, the Land and the People.


In 1977, a small group of students met in the Convent of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition for some courses and biblical excursions; the program was in French.

In 1981-82, the Provincial of the Sisters of Sion proposed that these courses should become more independent and better structured. She offered the Ecce Homo premises.
Several professors became the core of what was to be the Centre for Biblical Formation. The following year, the program in English was established.
As the Centre expanded, there was a need to become more structured in terms of budget, buildings and legal requirements. This was accomplished between 1982 and 1986. Since then, the Centre for Biblical Formation has come under the responsibility of the Sisters of Sion, in two sections: English speaking and French speaking. In 2001 the French Biblical Program Centre is co animated by the Sisters of Sion and the Chemin Neuf Community. In 2007, a Spanish section is open within the Centre for Biblical Formation. The offices of administration are also located at Ecce Homo.
Need for such a program
There are several different institutes in Jerusalem specializing in the study of the Bible. These institutes offer longer programs of at least one year duration, with recognized diplomas. These programs are intended for students who have previously undertaken theological and biblical studies.
But there was no French or English speaking centres that could offer a program of lectures and excursions for Christians – whether lay people, priests or religious (especially those who were able to take a sabbatical year) or those persons who wish to increase their knowledge of biblical texts, to deepen their understanding of the Jewish roots of Christianity, or to visit the Land with „Bible in hand”, following a program. This type of program includes these elements according to different duration of time.
The Centre is not an academic institute, but students will be awarded a non-academic certificate of completion of the program at the Biblical Centre. As the objective is to understand better the Word in the context of yesterday and today, made alive by competent professors, the program places a special emphasis on the study of a certain number of books in the Bible. This leads to a better knowledge of our Jewish roots: after all, the Bible was born in a people, and this people continues to live the Word.
The program introduces us to the reading of the Scriptures according to the Jewish tradition, and offers other courses, for example Islam, and promotes a better knowledge of the diversity of the Oriental Churches of yesterday and today.
The period of study, about 12 hours per week, is punctuated by biblical excursions. These excursions help us to discover the historical, archaeological, biblical and spiritual aspects of the peoples and the Land where the Word was born. Each semester, special longer excursions are offered (Sinai, Negev, and Galilee).






W naszym domu zakonnym przy bazylice ECCE HOMO znajdującym się na via Dolorosa w Jerozolimie organizujemy biblijne sesje nazywane „Pobyt w kraju Biblii”. Odbywają się one kilka razy do roku, w języku angielskim, francuskim, hiszpańskim oraz portugalskim.


The Centre for Biblical Formation

PO Box 67597

Via Dolorosa 41

9119001  Jerusalem


Tel: +972(0) 2 627 72 92


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